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Moonbeam Parachain on Polkadot

Welcome to the Moonbeam Parachain on Polkadot documentation! Dive in and explore how you can use moonbeam chain and seamlessly interact with other parachains using Bagpipes.

Asset Transfers

Here are 3 examples of transferring assets cross-chain.

Moonbeam ↔ Assethub (Polkadot)

Easily transfer assets between Moonbeam and Assethub on the Polkadot network.

Moonbeam to Assethub Transfer Workflow Example

Above is an example of sending 5 USDT from Moonbeam to AssetHub

Template LinkCreate Transfer Workflow
Assethub DocumentationVisit Assethub Docs

Moonbeam ↔ Polkadot Relay Chain

Facilitate direct asset transfers between Moonbeam and the Polkadot relay chain.

Moonbeam to Polkadot Relay Chain Transfer Workflow Example

Above is an example of sending 1 DOT from Polkadot to Moonbeam.

Template LinkCreate Transfer Workflow
Polkadot Relay Chain DocsVisit Polkadot Docs

Moonbeam ↔ Hydration

Enable seamless asset transfers between Moonbeam and Hydration.

Moonbeam to Hydration Transfer Workflow Example

Above is an example of sending 3 HDX from Moonbeam to Hydration (HydraDx) chain.

Template LinkCreate Transfer Workflow
Hydration DocumentationVisit Hydration Docs

Supported Assets

Bagpipes supports all XC-20 assets registered on Moonbeam. You can transfer, manage, and query these assets efficiently.

XC-20 AssetsEnsure your assets are XC-20 compliant and that the asset is avaliable/registerd on both the source and destination chain for smooth operations.
List of supported assetsView Supported Assets on Moonbeam

Chain Operations

Chain Query

Query any storage item in Moonbeam quickly and efficiently using Bagpipes workflows.

Example of Chain Query Workflow on Moonbeam

This is an example of using the Query Chain node for moonbeam. above shows the BlockHash method, but any method on the chain is accessible.

Chain Query Guide (Bagpipes)Learn How to use Chain Query node


Conduct transactions seamlessly on the Moonbeam parachain using Bagpipes workflows.

Moonbeam Transaction Workflow Example

This is an example of using the Chain Tx node for moonbeam.

Chain Tx Guide (Bagpipes)Learn How to use Chain Tx node
Talisman Wallet (Talisman)Talisman Wallet
Transaction Guide (Moonbeam)How to Conduct Transactions

Weave Workflows and Dapps

Discover how allows you to build comprehensive workflows for web3 applications. Leverage this platform to interconnect Moonbeam with other blockchains and services, in an on-chain way (through xcm and bridges), or in an off-chain way without any coding. Customize workflows to suit your requirements for asset transfers, chain queries, and transactions.

Explore how Bagpipes workflows can simplify your dapp development and blockchain interactions: Web3App Tutorial

Web3App TutorialExplore Web3App Tutorial
Workflow ExamplesSee Example Workflows

Get in Touch

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Discord SupportJoin Bagpipes Discord

External Resources

Explore more about Moonbeam and its supported assets:

By utilizing, explore the full potential of managing and transferring assets on Moonbeam parachain with Polkadot and Substrate parachains efficiently and effortlessly, without the need for complex coding.