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Chain Tx Node

  • A Chain Tx node allows you to sign and broadcast a transaction (extrinsic) on a blockchain.

  • Think of a "Polkadot-js Apps" with special powers. The output from signed transsaction can be used as pills and can used in any other node. You can also add pills as inputs into the fields.

1. Drop a Chain Tx node

Drag and drop a chain query node into the scenario

2. Chain Tx Form

Enter the chain, pallet, method, and fill out the method fields (if required) to query the storage of the substrate chain.

If you leave the blockhash/blocknumber field empty then it will default to the latest block.

Pro tip

If you use the click the toggle on (blue) then the selection field becomes an input field, that means you can manually provide the data.

Take care

Take care with a free input as you may get data validation issues so you have to be accurate.


3. Execute Method Once

You can execute and transaction the chain individually, without it being part of thw scenario workflow. Just click Run Method Once and you will get the output below.

4. Create Pills out of the Chain Query output

If you want to generate pills, so that you can drop them in to other nodes, execute the scenario once (by clicking the green play button in the top right of the canvas).

When the scenario is executed once, data will show in the event notifications. (as above)

Then hey presto! If you connect a node to the right of the Chain Query node you will be able to use the output fields as Pills.