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Polkadot to Kusama Transfers

We support the Polkadot / Kusama bridge, which is accessible through both of their respective Asset Hubs.

Here is a workflow that lets you send DOT to Kusama chain.

Try it here:

Video demo:

Valid extrinsic call data:


You can check out this call by going to polkadot.js apps and pasting it in the decode field. Check it on this link

Broadcasted transaction:

polkadot assethub #6021484-2

Check DOT balance on Kusama assethub:

Go to chainstate and query foreignAssets:

Polkadot.js typescript code:

export async function polkadot_assethub_to_kusama_assethub(
amount: number,
accountid: string
) {
const myaccount = getRawAddress(accountid);

const api = await getApiInstance("assetHub");

const destination = {
parents: 2,
interior: {
X2: [
{ GlobalConsensus: { Kusama: null } },
{ Parachain: 1000 }, // assethub

const account = {
parents: 0,
interior: { X1: { AccountId32: { id: myaccount, network: null } } },

const asset = {
id: {
Concrete: {
parents: 1,
interior: {
Here: null,
fun: { Fungible: amount },

const tx = api.tx.polkadotXcm.limitedReserveTransferAssets(
{ V3: destination },
{ V3: account },
{ V3: [asset] },
{ Unlimited: 0 }
return tx;


Polkadot Forum thread